8 Steps To Position Yourself As An Expert

become an expert

An expert is somebody who is very skillful or has knowledge in a particular area. Chances are that you have people who you follow to get information. These are experts in various fields.

You must position yourself as an expert to start a coaching business. As someone who works in the online space, some tools you require to create online courses and maintain an online business are:

  • Email marketing
  • Sales funnel
  • Membership sites
  • Affiliate management
  • Website Builder
  • Online store
  • Online appointment scheduler
  • Forms builder

All of these tools mentioned are available for you all in one place on Vonza.com. Sign up today for Vonza’s 30-day free trial, to start enjoying all those benefits.

It is authority and knowledge about a subject that makes you have the confidence to invest time and money into learning from experts. These are steps to position yourself as an expert so others can learn from you:


What you do all the time becomes part of you.

You can’t be everything; consistently grow and improve on your specialty.

Whether you’re chatting to clients, designing a new online course, or putting out a post on social media, the consistency of your communication style and the content you put out can help you position yourself as an expert among your audience.

Define your Niche and understand your Target Audience. Your blog posts and social media accounts should consistently focus on your nice and target audience.

Keeping a business-based profile that’s solely focused on your topic of expertise not only ensures that your audience gets consistent and useful information it also helps to optimize your online presence.

Social Presence

Online forums, social media platforms, and publications are all buzzing with conversations about any and every topic under the sun.

The more you can confidently dive in and make useful, valuable contributions to relevant discussions, the more you’ll be able to build a following for your brand.

In all you do, ensure to maintain a strong social presence. Create a Facebook page, Group, and personal profile. Keep your Instagram and Twitter accounts active. Make sure your contacts are engaged using WhatsApp status.

Be Up To Date

The world is changing at the speed of light. If you can’t at least change with the speed of sound, you will miss out on a whole lot of things life has to offer.

Experts aren’t just stories of knowledge, they’re highly adaptable people who can apply their existing knowledge and skills to new developments and shifting environments.

If you want to come across as an expert, you need to keep studying so you know what’s new, what’s relevant, and what’s important to your audience.

This makes sure you’re not just positioned as a go-to person, but you remain the go-to person in your industry. After all, how to position yourself as an expert also includes how to stay positioned as an expert long-term.

Be Confident

If you want to come across as an expert in your chosen field, you need to identify what questions people are asking and then answer them directly and confidently.

Though it can be tempting to go beyond the simple answer to demonstrate your breadth of knowledge on the topic, it’s not what people want. People want clear and informative responses that tell them exactly what they need to know.

This applies to your website, newsletter, social media, and community space. If someone asks a question, answer it simply and concisely in a way that anyone can understand.

Whether you’re outlining a course objective, weighing in on a topic for a publication, or updating your social media profile, keep it sharp and to the point to create space for your knowledge and expertise to shine through.

Value Yourself

If you don’t believe in yourself, who will?

If people think you don’t value your own expertise, they’re less likely to believe in what you’re offering them.

When it comes to your pricing, think about what they are willing to pay to get this transformation in their life and affairs.

Focus on the person that you’re going to help and the outcome you can get for them, how their life will be changed if they make the investment. That’s what should guide your pricing structure.

Avoid Hard Sell

A hard sell is a sales strategy that is direct and pushy. It is designed to get a consumer to purchase a good or service immediately without time to contemplate.

If there’s one consistent red flag for potential customers, it’s when a self-styled expert tries to do a hard sell of their services or expertise.

Marketing is about making people aware of you, including what you can offer them and how they can learn about a topic for themselves. Selling is about trying to convince someone to buy something from you.

Direct selling to people who haven’t yet made their interests clear is one of the quickest ways you can lose both a potential sale and your reputation as an expert.

To come across as an expert in your industry, you need to radiate calm confidence, not desperation or dependency.

Be Accessible

To come across as an expert to your audience, you need to be so familiar with your content that you could talk about it with 10 minutes notice.

The more you can share your unique expertise and knowledge, the more potential interest from publications and potential customers will start to build.

Be aware that as your profile grows, people will assume that since you’re an expert on one thing, you’ll also be an expert on something that’s slightly related.

To come across as an expert and avoid risking the reputation you’ve built, you need to be prepared to be upfront about things that are beyond your knowledge or skill set.

Optimize your online presence

When people are looking for an expert to speak on their particular topic, one of the first places they go is Google. They will search for certain terms to find a relevant expert.

The good news is, that you don’t need to be a marketing expert to pick up a few basic search engine optimization (SEO) principles that can drive more traffic to your website or social media account. Using consistent and relevant search terms and keywords will help to make sure you are easy to find online.

All of these tools mentioned are available for you all in one place on Vonza.com. Sign up today for Vonza’s 30-day free trial, to start enjoying all those benefits.

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