Common sales objections Top 15: You Might Need to Overcome


Your lead qualification procedure should result in candidates who are ready, willing, and able to buy. Unfortunately, since the world is not perfect, there will inevitably be complaints. Although you can’t escape them, you can learn how to deal with them successfully and change a “no” or “maybe” into a “yes.” This is the procedure. Read this article to know more about common sales objections. 

How do common sales objections work 

The first term that comes to consciousness when considering an objection is NO. A sales objection is the buyer’s statement that there is a gap between what you’re providing and the need they want to be met. Simply put, a sales argument is a sign that a potential customer isn’t ready to purchase from you for a specific reason. 

common sales objections

Don’t give up if a customer isn’t prepared to make a transaction, though. Nobody asserted that the road to success in sales is paved with ‘Yes! I take your offer,’ or “I look forward to working with you again,” or any other phrases that denote a good transaction. Some customers can be difficult to persuade. 

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Top 15 common sales objections

There is a method for beating objections in general, and we’ll discuss particular sales objections in a moment. Practice it so that you can more easily overcome the sales argument, no matter what it may be, even if you find yourself taken off guard.

The procedure generally consists of the following four fundamental steps:

Understand to know common sales objections

People are intricate. Even when we strive, we don’t always express ourselves clearly, and our words can still be misunderstood. Paraphrasing your prospect’s worries will help you show that you understand (or that you didn’t completely understand, giving your prospect the chance to correct you) their complaint.

To be obvious that everyone is on the same page, you can state something like: “You’re worried that the onboarding costs are too high, so it’ll take too long – and cost too much – for you to see the advantage of our product. Is that accurate?

There might be additional fundamental concerns that the possibility hasn’t explicitly stated or has only hinted at. Before you can successfully reply, you must first uncover all the objections by using open-ended questions.

Listen to know common sales objections

Don’t just let your candidate state their concerns; pay attention to what they have to say. You may be able to foresee possible complaints before they even arise. Later in this piece, I’ll go over the most prevalent worries and how to deal with them.

common sales objections

Give your prospect space to talk before responding, or, worse yet, interrupting them before they’ve even had a chance to fully express their worries. Once you’ve addressed the sales objection, doing so will make them feel as though you’re truly trying to assist them and have their best interests at heart, increasing your possibilities of closing the transaction.

Respond to know common sales objections

Recognize that your prospect’s worries are reasonable, regardless of whether they strike you as significant problems. It’s unlikely you’ll succeed in sealing the transaction if they believe you’re not taking their concerns seriously or are merely attempting to bully them into accepting the terms.

Feel free to address the issue yourself if you are in a position to do so. If not, inform them that you must send it up to the flagpole and set up a time to return it.

Confirm to know common sales objections

Reiterate the concern and state that, if you can get past it, the prospect will be glad to continue with the transaction.

This second point is crucial: there’s no purpose in spending the time to get past a customer’s objections if doing so won’t help you seal the deal. Keep in mind that some prospects will never purchase, in which case the response is not an argument but rather a dismissal. You’re probably wasting your time if they don’t have enough money, aren’t completely qualified prospects, or lack the power to make a choice – and don’t show any indications of discussing your pitch with anyone higher up the line of command.

These four stages can be combined to form something like this:

Prospect: “I’m afraid of spiders, and your logo has one, so I can’t take this any further.”

  • Engage in attentive hearing techniques.
  • You’re saying that you have a spider fear and that even seeing images of spiders makes you uneasy?
  • Reply, “I completely comprehend. Phobias can seriously interfere with daily living. I believe we could possibly get rid of the branding from your tool instance. Would that be useful?
  • “Great, so if we move forward with this, I’ll speak with the tech team to see about removing that logo,” you confirm.

Absence of need to know common sales objections

Customers either don’t think an issue needs to be solved or don’t think there is a problem. In this situation, the buyer either doesn’t connect with what you’re marketing or doesn’t see the worth in what you’re offering. How do you research your customer’s needs? 

  • Nobody wants to spend time talking about the method, so sell the outcome instead of the process. The outcome is what most people are engaged in. You place yourself at a higher value to a prospect when you make providing value with your primary focus. 
  • Know your client’s business inside and out: research or educate yourself on the company. Examine the prospect’s firm, business, and even rivals in more detail. This information will give you suggestions and insights into the precise needs of your clients and the areas in which you can offer value. 
  • Don’t hurry; instead, take your time to delve even deeper into your client’s background after learning something. Find the source of the need by focusing on it.
  • Investigate various options. Pose various inquiries to yourself, and broaden your study. This will reveal various causes for your customer’s requirements as well as a wide range of options for meeting those needs.

    See what I got for you: 10 Tips For Creating a High-Converting Sales Funnel

A limited income to know common sales objections


Despite being the most frequent, cost concerns can also cover other issues. It’s critical to address the core issue. As objections emerge, determine which category they belong to so you can successfully address them. The financial argument can be overcome by: 

  • Divide the cost into manageable accounting units; instead of discussing the overall cost structure, speak about it in terms of hours or weeks. 
  • Prior to talking about price, concentrate on the worth by providing a justification. As always, worth triumphs over expense. 
  • Make your deal pliable; avoid making it too strict. Decide whether to present your answer in segments. You can ask your customer what they don’t need from the deal and remove it.

Product Refusal to know common sales objections

An objection to merchandise may occasionally be raised by a client. Comments like “This product is not as good as what your competitor is offering” or “Your product sounds a little complicated” are two examples. We would prefer a simplified model,” are words used by a potential to express worry about how well the product works. Frequently, particularly when it comes to complicated purchases that have an impact on a company’s operations, buyers may not completely comprehend the usefulness and features. You’re expected to provide thorough justifications for any product complaints clients may raise. It can be acted out by: 

  • Describing the product’s characteristics, capabilities, and guarantee terms. 
  • Using consumer reviews to go into more detail about how other users use the product. 
  • Giving, if feasible, a thorough demonstration of the merchandise. 

presenting industry-specific or independent data to back up your assertion. 

Click here: What is high ticket closing? Everything you Need to Know

Lack of power to know common sales objections

It is a common sales issue you’ll encounter, particularly when working with well-known businesses. A potential customer might claim that they don’t make the buying decisions. Start by getting more information about the individual named. Because you’ll be speaking with them when completing the transaction, gather as much information as you can. Inquire about: 

  • What branch do they operate in and how do contact them 
  • They are accessible. whether or not they are also subject to a “higher” authority You can also ask your target to provide them with a brief summary of your product or service prior to the appointment. 

Source Refutation to know common sales objections

Some customers may be satisfied with your goods, but they may be hesitant to work with you as a salesperson or the organization as a whole. I refer to this as a source argument. Even though this doesn’t happen very frequently, it is crucial for salespeople to be ready for anything.

A potential customer might make remarks about your standing, dependability, protection, or how long your business has been in operation. You can use the source argument as an opportunity to describe your company’s or your own assets. Give more details about the business, including how long it has been around. 

Time-Related Rebuttal to know common sales objections

 The main defence for time-related complaints is a shortage of resources. The only distinction is that purchasers conceal their actual disagreement by citing a lack of time. A potential customer might say they are too occupied to speak, and they might even ask you to contact them back or visit them later. 

Asking them what is keeping them busy is the best method to overcome this obstacle. This does not disprove their assertion that they are occupied. Instead, you are attempting to determine the reason for their hasty rejection of your deal. Your prospective customer may underestimate the time and resources your offer. Or, if they are aware of the precise amount of time it will take, they doubt that the benefit will be worthwhile. 

Lack of faith to know common sales objections

Customers are unsure of you, your answer, or your business. In this scenario, customers might have a need and want to have it met, but they may not have faith in your ability to carry out or execute on your promises.Here are two suggestions for winning your clients’ trust: 

1) Be honest and sincere: The truth is that no one appreciates a “traditional salesperson” who exaggerates how great their goods or services are. Don’t be selfish, in other words. This portrays you as a sleazy salesperson who is more concerned with making sales than with serving their customers. Revert to the fundamentals of engagement. Form a connection with your potential customer. 

Be frank and straightforward about your offer, ask questions about your prospect, and express interest in their activities. 

2) Focus on your prospect: Strike an equilibrium between discussing your offer and posing inquiries about them. Make the discussion mutually beneficial. You can occasionally veer away from selling and speak about one of your customers or anything else in general, such as current events in the news, the state of the market, etc.

Read this article to know about 10 Tips For Creating a High-Converting Sales Funnel

“I detest being bound by a deal” to know common sales objections

This argument needs some investigation. The problem is probably one of cash flow or money if your prospect has a genuine need and a genuine interest in your answer. Alternatives to your standard payment period are provided. Offer a monthly or quarterly choice if your usual deal is an annual one. Additionally, you can allay their worries by outlining the freedom you provide. The following are some effective methods to advance the conversation:

  • Rates that are prorated for extended contracts
  • Conditions for terminating the agreement
  • Generally speaking, the invoicing procedure is transparent
Paper works

“We’re succeeding well here. I’m fine with the current situation” to know common sales objections

Just because something is excellent doesn’t preclude it from being greater. Get set with your scoop because it’s time to start digging. This argument indicates that you need to add more qualifiers. Learn more about the circumstances, procedures, and outcomes of your possibility. This aids in identifying potential improvements to your product or service beyond what is already present.

“We never deal with strangers” to know common sales objections

We enjoy what we already know because it makes us feel safe. You should consider this as being perfectly reasonable because it is. But that doesn’t mean you can’t make this a good thing; you absolutely can. Run a quick qualification check to see what their present provider offers. 

Look for areas where you can provide something that their present supplier cannot. It’s your responsibility to convince the prospect that there are other, superior choices available. Sometimes we feel compelled to continue working with someone because of a long-standing or personal relationship. And if you’re feeling particularly sassy, say something like, “Well, now that we know one another, I guess we’re on the list.”

“How did you find out about me?” to know common sales objections

You don’t need to be concerned as long as you obtained your prospect’s information from an internet form, an in-person discussion, an event, or a business card. Simply state where and how you obtained your knowledge. You’re out of luck if you bought a roster or stole an email address. Don’t do that as well. It’s taboo.


You will undoubtedly encounter concerns and complaints when marketing anything. Sales challenges are frequently secret chances, and how you respond to them can make all the difference. The classic sales adage “ABC: always be closing” is undoubtedly something you’ve heard. While it’s catchy, it’s also wishful thinking.

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