Application based funnel to a high ticket course Best guide in 2024


If you work as a coach, you presumably already know that selling high-end coaching goods can help you build a successful, if not wealthy, coaching practice. A high-priced product might be the answer if you’re sick of giving your finest things away for much less than it’s worth (sorry, couldn’t resist). In this guide I’ve written a whole guide about application based funnel to a high ticket course. 

Also read The Best Sales Funnel Strategy

Woman sitting in front of PC

It can be simple to create a high-ticket deal for 1:1 or group tutoring. However, “How do I get people to buy this?” is a constant concern.

We’ll discuss one of the tried-and-true techniques in this article: pipelines. We’ll go over the fundamentals of coach sales funnels and provide you with a step-by-step tutorial on how to create a high-ticket coaching funnel that effectively promotes your deal.

High Ticket course: What Are They?

There is no denying that there is a significant variation in sales between low and high price products. But what do big ticket purchases actually entail? Why should you worry, then? 

High ticket sales are when a coach charges a high fee for teaching goods or services. This could be anything from mentoring programs that last an entire year to wellness vacations. 

Most of the time, the coach will provide a financing choice to help the customer finance the purchase. 

Selling high ticket coaching deals has many advantages, but there are also some dangers that should be taken into account.

Steps to make application based funnel to a high ticket course

1. Determine your ideal client to launch application based funnel to a high ticket course

Knowing who the coaching funnel is for is the first stage in any coaching funnel, long before you arrive at the real building. Without an ideal customer, your marketing budget will be wasted and you risk attracting the incorrect clients.


Decide precisely who your perfect customer is. They, who? Who lives there? How do they behave? What do they enjoy and find objectionable? What do they feel strongly about?

You can even create an avatar for this perfect customer by drawing a quick image of them and giving them a moniker. Excellent workout.

Here are some illustrations of what a crystal-clear picture of your Ideal Client might resemble.

  • Those who are dissatisfied at work (Too Broad) – Millennial women hoping to make their first foray into managerial positions (Better!)
  • Those wishing to reduce their weight (Too Broad) – Men in their mid-thirties who want to begin pulling weights for the first time (Better!)
  • those beginning a new company (Too Broad) – Locally-based small companies seeking to use Facebook advertising to attract new clients (Better!)
  • Before you know who the funnel is for, you can’t make one that works well.

Another crucial question is: Who can afford expensive coaching? When trading a costly item, you should also consider your revenue. selling $2000 in job counseling to clients who are currently unemployed might not work.

2. Create a value chain to launch application based funnel to a high ticket course

The next stage is the what if you’ve identified your ideal client clearly and know why you’re the best individual to assist them. What is your promise of value?

Sometimes it’s possible to close a big-ticket transaction right away, but more often than not, you have to work hard to convince people that you’re the best individual to assist their needs. You can demonstrate this by guiding prospective customers up a value chain. 

First, provide benefit

The initial value offer for many of your warm leads entering your funnel might not be a pricey training. They might find a complimentary PDF that aids in their problem-solving. They may encounter you through a complimentary webinar that they attend and find to be extremely valuable.

Often, it takes some time for your perfect customers to realize that you’re the expert they can turn to for assistance. On the internet, there are a number of empty claims. As a result, commence by providing worth. Give away more than you promise and generate more leads. (more on this below). They’ll be more inclined to return for the expensive goods if they witness you excelling at the little things.

Take a look at a lesser merchandise sale

Many internet marketers vouch for what they refer to as a “tripwire” offering. A tripwire is essentially a modest buy made by consumers. According to research, if your products are excellent, people who purchase from you will keep doing so. The first transaction is the most difficult to achieve.

Because of this, salespeople frequently use a cheap tripwire device. People are much more apt to spend $500 with you after they have spent $5 with you and recognized it was a great investment.

You might offer a cheap book or training course to get people accustomed to purchasing from you.

Offer a distinct, pricey value offer

Present a really obvious value offer when trying to close a high-ticket coaching transaction. Using what we refer to as a “big purpose statement” is one of the best methods to achieve this. We use it to promote communities, but it also works for expensive goods. The change you intend to lead customers through is identified in your big purpose statement. You have the components to create a deal that people will adore once you have the major purpose statement in your possession.

Let’s revisit our three aforementioned instances and transform them into a Big Purpose Statement:

  • I assist millennial women in breaking through the glass barrier so they can advance into management, make a larger effect, and get paid fairly.
  • In order to have more energy, feel fantastic about their bodies, and be able to be there for the people they care about, I assist middle-aged, out-of-shape guys get off the couch and fall in love with working out.
  • I train small local companies how to create stunning Facebook ad campaigns in order to attract amazing, loyal clients who gush about their goods and services.

3. Reach into your story to launch application based funnel to a high ticket course

Reaching into your narrative is the second key to helping these ideal customers. Why are you the most qualified to assist them?

These kinds of tales frequently work a conduit better than a fantastic deal does. Having the ability to state:

  • Since I once had your issue, I know how to solve it.
  • I’ve assisted countless others, so I know how to aid you.
  • I am aware of the path to advancement. I finished it.

Reach into your narrative. You must identify yourself. Why should people trust you to assist them? The foundation for an excellent funnel can be found in that tale.

Let’s go back to the aforementioned examples and consider how your narrative might persuade each of those individuals to buy from you:

  • “I discovered that breaking the glass barrier was really difficult for me as a young woman. I made the decision to assist other women in doing it when I entered management. (Millennial women who want to break into management roles for the first time.)
  • “I sat on the sofa on the weekends. I was in pain everywhere, and climbing a flight of steps made me dizzy. Then I began weight training. I entered a bodybuilding contest this year and made the decision to lend a hand to others. (Middle-aged men who want to start weight lifting for the first time.)
  • “I noticed that my beloved neighborhood coffee roaster was in danger of failing. There is now a queue out the door because I built Facebook advertising using my marketing expertise”. (Locally-owned, small businesses that want to generate new customers from Facebook ads.)

One of the most effective aspects of your pipeline is your narrative.

Don’t ignore it.

4. Design your funnel to launch application based funnel to a high ticket course

Stop. Flow period. Do you understand the MC Hammer reference? Time to construct the sieve. There are too many distinct funnel kinds to list them all here. You’ll have what you need if you check out a great tool like ClickFunnels. You can test a few of these channels out.

Webinar funnel

A webinar is a tried-and-true strategy for marketing high-ticket tutoring. The cause? Because you can gain people’s attention, establish confidence (video helps here), and demonstrate your ability to comprehend their issue and offer solutions by hosting a webinar. It is much easier to get people to respond “Yeah, I’d work with that person” in a film than it is in textual material.

The seminar should be beneficial. Even if they choose not to purchase right away, you still want them to remember you as the person who can assist them, particularly if they decide to do so in the future.

A webinar pipeline appears as follows:

  • An application form
  • a journal of gratitude

Check 6 Ways To Promote Your Webinar

Pumping Funnel

most of your clients will first encounter this path! Most of your clients’ journeys begin with an opt-in or squeeze funnel, also known as a lead magnet or a lead magnet. In return for something of value, such as a complimentary training session, a PDF, an online course, etc., they send you their email at this juncture.

  • An application form
  • a journal of gratitude
  • a link or invitation to the webinar; you can also bypass the thank-you page and access the session directly.
  • an offer

Sales funnel

There are various sales funnel kinds, but you might decide to design one and include your deal in it. This would imply that you are moving directly to the deal rather than first presenting a webinar.


An real product offer funnel can be made in a variety of methods, but for a high-ticket item, think about using a video sales letter funnel. For this, you would need to make a video pitch, share your tale, and have a clear call to action. Although people respond well to video, if you’re really uncomfortable being on camera, you could substitute a written sales letter page for this.

Here is an example of a sales pipeline you could use to market a product:

  • a website for a video advertising message
  • a landing website
  • An upsell or downsell page

5. Study and adjust to launch application based funnel to a high ticket course

Learning and adapting as you go is one of the keys to developing a high-ticket tutoring funnel. No funnel will ever be flawless the first time. Until you find a strategy that works well, you can play with your target selection, the copy, and various funnel types.

You can also run an A/B test to try different channels and find the most lucrative one.

And now for some advice. Don’t let one funnel’s success or failure define you. It’s common to have a pipeline that doesn’t perform exceptionally well the first time, and it’s alluring to assume that this indicates that people don’t want your deal.

Carry on.

Don’t give up.


We really hope that this guidance has you fired up to create a high-ticket tutoring funnel. Keep in mind that creating funnels is a talent that can be developed over time. Never quit up. And when you do discover a good funnel, make the most of it!

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