6 Ways To Maximize Course Sales From Webinars

In this article, you shall learn how to maximize your course sales from webinars.

The word ‘webinar’ is a combination of ‘web’ and ‘seminar’. A webinar is an event held virtually which is attended exclusively by an online audience. 

Vonza is a very powerful tool to create and sell your online courses.

The beauty of the Vonza online course platform is its simplicity, online community, multimedia lectures, drip content, and Search Engine Optimization.

Recommended: How to create courses with Vonza

Turn on your Webcam

A great way to build rapport with your attendees and show them that you are, in fact, a real person before you begin your presentation is to turn on your webcam during the Pre-Chat so that the attendees can see you.

Spend a few minutes chatting with people, thanking them for attending, asking them where they’re from, etc. before you turn off your webcam to begin your presentation.

Offer a satisfaction guarantee

After you present the price of your online course, offer a satisfaction guarantee (for example, a 30-day money-back guarantee) to remove the risk of buying from you.

Yes, there’s a tiny risk that some people will take advantage of this guarantee and ask for a refund shortly after taking your course, but more people will buy your course because you offered the guarantee versus if you did not. So in the end, you come out ahead.

Keep Your Offer Page Open

After you finish presenting your course and you transition into the Q&A period of your webinar, make sure you leave the slide that shows the link to your course checkout page on the screen.

Some people will decide to buy your course during the Q&A session, so you want to make sure they know exactly where to go to do so.

Add Deadlines to Your Important Offers

An effective way to encourage your webinar attendees to buy your course immediately after attending your webinar is to offer time-sensitive bonuses.

Some examples of bonuses you can offer include a private coaching call with you, discounted (or even complimentary) access to additional courses you’ve created.

If you give your attendees a specific deadline to purchase from you in order to receive the bonuses, make sure you honor that deadline.

Do not give the same offer to someone who purchases after the deadline has expired, or you will lose credibility with your customers.

An easy way to set this up is to create a special course bundle consisting of the one you’re pitching along with any additional courses, ebooks, coaching or other bonuses. You can then take this page down after your deadline so that no one else has access to it.

Offer a payment plan

In many cases, there will be people who attend your webinar and watch your sales presentation at the end who want to purchase your online course but cannot afford to pay for the entire course upfront.

For that reason, you should always offer the choice between paying for your entire course upfront or paying for it over an extended period of time with a monthly payment plan.

For example, if you sell your course for $497, you can give your customers the option to pay for the entire course upfront or with 6 monthly payments of $97 each.

If they take the monthly payment option, they end up paying more for your course ($97 x 6 = $582), but spread over a longer period of time.

Offer a Discount to Customers

If you don’t have additional bonuses to sweeten the deal, you could also try offering a time-sensitive discount.

Of course, you run the risk of making less if people were going to buy at full price anyway, so only try this if you haven’t had luck with the full-price option.

You can create a coupon code that automatically expires after a certain time to generate that urgency.

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